
First Objective of the 2010 Season

SRAM Tour of the Gila (April 28 - May 2)

I have a lot of work to do for this race. I have a ton of work to do for this race. I'm going to have to climb like I've never climbed before and I'm going to have to focus on my diet. The goal is get my weight down to 155lbs. which is no easy task considering I tipped the scale at 180.2 lbs. the other day. 155lbs. is uncharted territory but definitely a weight I think I can support and race well at but I guess we'll see. I've always wanted to do this race and this is my year and we'll have a team that can win the overall. My goal is to be the best workhorse for our team leader and stay with the main group for as long as possible. GAME ON!

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