

Was one hell of a year! The highlight of the year came late with the birth of my nephew Quinn. I love that my family is getting bigger by the months and I'm very thankful that everyone is healthy and a car trip away. A close second would be my cycling season capped off with numerous wins and a long time goal to race with the fastest in CO. Another close second is my dear friend and gchat buddy Jessica who is one of the kindest and most sincere people I have ever met. And truthfully who would have thought we would be friends...not me. Jessica said it perfectly one day, "sometimes I think that when you find real and true people in life you don't let them go; they are too rare." Well if you ever get the chance to meet Jessica don't let go because she's a pretty cool chica.

I also fell really hard this year. The pain, confusion and frustration became the fuel of success in cycling. I'd like to say I experienced true love but can it really be true love if in the end all fails? I don't know but what I do know is there's someone for everyone. We live and learn right?!

So what can I look forward to in 2009? Well another niece or nephew come June. Hopefully some good results for my new team HART. Maybe a couple wins for Luke and Cole who enjoy racing with me. Watching little Makenna be the cute big little sister that she'll be in June. Hopefully a home owner but we'll see. In the next few days I'll set a side some 'me time' and write down some goals for 2009 and who knows maybe I'll share them with you. But for right now I'm just going to keep PEdaLinG ThRougH LIfe. Have a Happy New Year! Ciao.
Sent from my Atari 64

1 comment:

Racing Green said...

not working very hard today I can see, you hit my site at least twice from work. I'll have to tell stephanie.