
DoWN bUt NoT OuT

Yesterday was painful and demoralizing after having a good result Tuesday. The pro field was stacked which wasn't surprising given the prize money was at $5K and man did the race start off super fast. The first 20 minutes the entire field was single file cruising at 30+ mph and I was holding on for dear life. I made a rookie fatal judgement error by not warming up enough and because I didn't the initial hard efforts I just could not recover from and ended up dropping off pace. NOT fun! It was hot and I thought I could warm up into the race but from the start it was all out war. It was great to see my family out watching and some friends cheering me because I needed it but unfortunately the show ended early for them. 3 more races until the road season is over and I'm not counting myself out just yet. I still think I can pull one of these off with a little luck, okay lots of luck.

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