
An intense response by Lance Amrstrong who was called the 'cancer' of cycling.

WOW....I'm pretty that reporter will never get an interview. I think Lance's response was well said and if the prologue was shortly after that interview I would bet my entire 401k retirement savings on Lance winning it. He looked pissed! You hear about how Lance is one of the most intense guys in the peloton so I can only imagine what is fueling his fire right now. There will always be critics of him saying he doped but the guy is the most tested athlete in the world in any sport. Since his press conference annoucing his comeback he has been tested 18 times. I'm pretty sure that is 3x as much as any other pro cyclist or athlete in the world. Some would argue that he's cleaner than other Pro Tour teams like Garmin/Chipotle or Columbia who don't test as often. I'm a fan of Lance and always will be. Now lets see him f%$#ing tear up this year starting with the Tour of California.


Anonymous said...

Done. You bet your entire 401k on Lance. Quit drinking the Lance kool-aid. Do you guys go to the same doctor ferrari? he crushed guys in the TdF that finished like 2,3, and 4 , and you think he did it clean? test him all you want, but if you can't test for what he's taking, doesn't make him clean. wake up.



i need to sell you some swampland.

Unknown said...

If you ask USA cycling, UCI, WADA and anyone else who officially cares for that matter they will tell you Lance is clean. I'll keep drinking the Lance kool-aid and enjoying what he's doing for cycling while you continue to dig and dig and dig.

Anonymous said...

i do agree being a hater takes too much work. nice response. i'll drop it, unless anything else happens. it is America, presumed innocence.

Anonymous said...

Since you didn't fall for the internet trolling, I will let you keep your 401k under a few conditions. You must (a) win one cat 2 race or (b) podium at a big event on that velodrome in boulder -- that looks bad ass.

Unknown said...

I'm looking to kill it this season with my new team HART and with a little luck I think we can do it. Not going to see me race on the Boulder velodrome. I'll be racing down in the springs instead with Elite Nationals in mind in Oct.